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Showing posts from October, 2019

Twins! in the Twin Cities

My sister's fall break at NC State was last week, so she came up to visit for 4 days. It was so great to see her, and we packed in as much site-seeing (and eating) as possible. The mid-October snow flurries didn't stop us! First stop: Mall of America (obviously) Lake Nokomis Sushi! Rice Park, Landmark Center, and St. Paul's riverfront Mill City Museum - 10/10 would recommend! The Guthrie Theater Minneapolis Sculpture Garden

Homecoming Week

The first week in October was homecoming, during which I went from having zero to three U of M t-shirts for the price of $0. Amazing! There was a lot of fun programming on campus, here's some pictures from what I attended! A few weeks into the semester I joined Minnesotap, the student-run tap company on campus. The group and performs at a variety of campus and local events. Our second performance was in the homecoming parade, dancing down the street and giving out candy. The parade was definitely my favorite part of the week because of all the school spirit. Dozens of student and community organizations participated, and so many students and families came to watch; it was a lot bigger than I expected! A rainy day for the homecoming football game, but I went nonetheless! I must admit I didn't stay until the end, though.They played Illinois and won, improving their record to 5-0!  I also participated in the campus blood drive that week. (not pictured for obvi